Created in July 1999, the International Research Center for Local Histories and Cultural Diversities (IRCLH) aims at promotion and research concerning local histories and cultures, with particular attention to methodology and the critical study of sources.


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We carried out a remarkable work in the field of electronic editing of medieval documents concerning the territory of Varese and Como (with a contribution to the project “Digital diplomatic code of Western Lombardy” by Regione Lombardia).

Two other main points of interest have regarded the activity of editing and inventorying historical sources and bibliographical research, both essential instruments to start any scientifically-based study and make up for the lacking and sometimes uncertain historical sources and publications concerning the Lombard Prealps.

Furthermore, we organize seminars and study meetings, both at a national and international level. We often collaborate with public and private institutions and scientific associations operating in similar fields, in order to support the sharing and diffusion of historical knowledge.

As far as didactics is concerned, we organized some master courses addressed to specialists, teachers, museum managers, tourist and cultural operators, about document sources, resources and methodology for carrying out and writing local history.

IRCLC is advised by a board of up to 8 scientific advisors, whose chairperson is prof. Renzo Dionigi, former Rector of the University of Insubria, while the scientific director is prof. Gianmarco Gaspari.

Data bases

  • Well-known inhabitants of Varese (XI – XXI centuries)
  • Historical bibliography of Varese and Como
  • Subject catalogue of articles about Regio Insubria
  • Varese parchments

Here are a few examples of the volumes and videos issued by the Center:

  • Varese e dintorni nelle terre dell’alta-Insubria. Problematiche di metodo in prospettiva eco-storica di L. Zanzi
    Varese, Insubria University Press, 2013
    (La Storia di Varese, I*)
    A survey about the Insubrian territory, in an innovative eco-historical dimension, based upon an analysis of the interaction between human beings and natural environment. The text is enriched by a wide and varied array of photos and images, illustrating manifold aspects of the town of Varese and its surroundings.
  • Varese nelle antiche stampe (XVII - XIX secolo)
    ricerche iconografiche e schede di S. Trippini, commenti iconografici e biografici di P. Foglia, introduzione di S. Regonelli
    Varese, Insubria University Press - Ed. G. Mondadori, 2009
    (La Storia di Varese, I**)
    A catalogue of some ancient (17th to 19th-century) prints, illustrating some places, landscapes and historical episodes of Varese: the Sacro Monte and its votive images, the lake, people and events of the Risorgimento, horse-races, exhibitions.
  • Storia dell’Arte a Varese e nel suo territorio, progetto diretto e coordinato da M.L. Gatti Perer 2 voll.
    Varese, Insubria University Press, 2011
    (La Storia di Varese, II* e II**)
    Varese and its province have a notable artistic history, ranging from the early Middle-Ages town of Castelseprio, to the Renaissance  jewel of Castiglione Olona, with its frescoes by the Tuscan painter Masolino da Panicale; from the Sanctuary of Saronno, painted in the 16th century by the great artist Bernardino Luini, to the 16th century Basilica of S. Vittore, in the center of the city, and to the Sacro Monte, with its 17th-century “sacred road” of fourteen chapels leading to the sanctuary. Furthermore, castles, villas, and industrial archaeology.
  • Il territorio di Varese in età preistorica e protostorica progetto diretto e coordinato da M. Harari
    Busto Arsizio, Nomos Edizioni, 2017
    (La Storia di Varese, III*)
    The well-known and rich prehistoric heritage of the territory around Varese, inscribed in the Unesco list, includes lake-dwelling villages and the “Golasecca” Culture. An exhaustive and updated picture about archeologic excavations and research concerning environment, peoples, and writings in the very long period from the Paleolithic till pre-Roman times.
  • Il territorio di Varese in età romana progetto diretto e coordinato da M. Harari
    Varese, Insubria University Press, 2014
    (La Storia di Varese, III**)
    A little-known portrait of a region of Northern Italy, and of the ancient traces it still keeps of Roman civilization and rule, including epigraphs, glasses, coins and other finds.
  • De Libera Universitate - University and Freedom, catalogo della mostra-concorso internazionale Ex Libris, Varese 14 febbraio - 1° marzo 2009 a cura di F. Ferri e M. Mainardi, con note introduttive di C. Storti; traduzioni di C. Biraghi, Varese, Insubria University Press, 2009
    In 2008 the University of Insubria celebrated its tenth anniversary. For the occasion, it organized an international artistic competition of ex libris on the theme of “university and freedom”. The catalogue, in Italian and English, includes some introductory notes by the legal historian Claudia Storti.
  • Vivi Papi. Una vita da fotografo. Vita e opere di Vivi Papi di A. Fumagalli Papi, realizzazione di C. Gandini
    Varese, Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, 2014
    Vivi Papi (1937-2005) was a photographer specialized in the reproduction of works of art. He also took pictures of his land – especially his cherished Sacro Monte –, of landscapes, people and events, providing a precious documentation ranging from the 1950s to the year of his death. This documentary tells about his life and work.

Links for further information:

www.cslinsubria.it (in Italian)


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